Technical Glossary
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NFT Coin
NFT coin is a non-fungible token created to visually represent the user's crypto assets in their wallet while providing them with specific opportunities to generate additional financial benefits and rewards. Technically, the NFT coin is based on the ERC-721 protocol and can be generated directly by the user via the CoinAvatar decentralized application or purchased via intra-platform or third-party NFT marketplaces. During the minting process, the user chooses which crypto will be locked in the NFT.
NFT Mold
NFT mold is a non-fungible token that can be generated by the user directly on the CoinAvatar decentralized application or through purchase on intra-platform or third-party NFT marketplaces. The NFT mold, like physical coin molds in real life, is based on the ERC-721 standard and serves as a template for creating NFT coins. NFT molds have distinctive attributes passed down to the attributes of NFT coins. Combining two NFT molds can result in acquiring specific bonuses for future NFT coins. Users can sell their customized NFT molds on the CoinAvatar marketplace or other reputable platforms.
Attributes are dozens of parameters that belong to NFT coins and NFT molds. They tell the user what kind and degree of rarity their NFT will have.
Mold Attributes
Mold Attributes are parameters of NFT molds. They are created in order to allow the user to estimate the resulting NFT coin's essential characteristics. Each mold is unique, has its own characteristics, and can be fused with another mold to obtain a more exclusive specimen. You can create an NFT mold on the platform using the CAV token.
Coin Attributes
The attributes of NFT coins are the parameters that govern their appearance and rarity. These elements are essential in determining the visual aspects of the NFT coin. The possibilities for attribute combinations are unlimited and include using rare materials or gemstones. The user directly influences the final combination of attributes to create an NFT coin by choosing the absolute amount of the locked cryptocurrency and fusing different molds.
CAV token
The CAV token is a fungible native token of the CoinAvatar platform. It is used in most operations on the platform, such as creating NFT molds and NFT coins, buying/selling assets on the marketplace, extending the staking option, fusing molds, destroying NFT coins, and so on. Users' CAV token ownership allows them to participate in DAO voting on the platform.
The CoinAvatar's platform "Entropy" allows users to influence the final result of creating an NFT mold through their actions. During mold creation, the constructor asks the user to draw a line in a special tab in the web app.
CoinAvatar Marketplace is an intra-platform service allowing users to buy and sell their NFT molds and coins freely. The CoinAvatar Marketplace has no influence on the prices presented on the Marketplace, and they are entirely governed by the supply and demand ratio.
Molds fusion Process
Mold Fusion is the process of fusing two NFT molds by the user to produce one mold that has inherited attributes from the previous two NFTs. Mold fusion is one of the most critical aspects of the CoinAvatar platform and serves two functions. Firstly, during fusing, NFT molds can "evolve" and gain rarer attributes that did not exist before. Secondly, the number of NFT molds fused is one aspect that affects the return on CAV token staking for the user. Although the molds used for fusion immediately disappear, the resulting NFT molds can continue to fuse with other molds.
Coin Denomination
Coin's Denomination is a number engraved on the obverse of the NFT coin and shows how much cryptocurrency it contains.
Coin's Tiker
Coin's Tiker is a symbol engraved on the obverse of the NFT coin and shows what cryptocurrency it contains locked inside.
Staking is an optimal solution for people looking for stability and regular rewards. With the not-bad promise of the cryptocurrency market, staking allows you to create additional rewards without much effort. In the previous sections, we have already given a general characteristic of staking on the CoinAvatar platform. Now let's focus on the technical aspects of the two possible options.
CAV Staking
CoinAvatar Staking is the leading financial instrument available on the CoinAvatar platform. The project team is interested in giving users the best interest rates, allowing you to get the desired rewards quickly from the first created NFT. To gain a CAV token staking opportunity, a user must get an NFT coin with the CAV token locked. If the platform token is staked, the user will receive a CAV token in their wallet regularly.
The CAV token staking interest rate depends on three key factors:
Staking period
Coins placed in a staking pool will be blocked for a specific period of time. Users can choose between 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, or 24-month options. The longer the selected period, the better the interest rate.
The number of fusions
Users can fuse any two molds at a time. There is no limit to the number of fusions for each mold, but you cannot have more than 20 fusions per day. The number of fusions directly affects the increase in the yield percentage. The user must make at least 5 fusions to affect the CAV token staking rate. The interest rate increases in increments of 5, and the maximum amount is 30%.
Amount of invested tokens
Staking interest rate directly depends on the user's amount of invested funds in the general pool. The bigger the proportion, the more interest users will get. Thus, those who started staking earlier and with more tokens will yield more in the long run than those who didn't.
DeFi Staking
DeFi Staking is the main financial tool available on the CoinAvatar platform. To use it, the user must create or buy an NFT coin containing one of the cryptocurrencies supported by CoinAvatar and landing protocols other than the CAV tokens and be willing to lock it into staking.
Liquid NFTs
You can freely use your NFT coin even while the cryptocurrency locked in it is being staked. There are no barriers on trading and selling your NFTs for other NFTs or their equivalent in cryptocurrency. Your liquid NFT coin can be used in various NFT DeFi Protocols to maximize yield.
LTV (Loan-to-Value)
The loan-to-value (LTV) ratio is a financial term used by lenders to express the ratio of a loan to the value of an asset purchased.
NFT AMM is an Automated Market Maker protocol for NFTs, a protocol that can ultimately increase the liquidity of NFTs by creating sellers and buyers plus liquidity providers in the NFT trading process.
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