How it works
CoinAvatar is based on the desire to allow users to express their creative side, become collectors and creators, and generate yield:
Log in on CoinAvatar platform using your Metamask wallet. Connecting a metamask wallet is required to enter the CoinAvatar platform. With Metamask you can deposit, store, and withdraw CAV platform tokens and supported cryptocurrencies as well as your NFTs.
Mint an NFT mold. To create your NFT coin, you first need to create a mold. You can get NFT mold by:
Creating on the CoinAvatar platform using platform token.
Buying it on the marketplace from other users.
Molds on the CoinAvatar platform are also an NFT; you can sell it on the marketplace.
Make NFT molds fusion. You can “fuse” two NFT molds to get a new NFT mold with rare attributes. The resulting NFT mold helps you create a more compound NFT coin which gives specific bonuses during staking.
Add a cryptocurrency to the designed mold for coin minting. Choose a desired crypto from your wallet to mint an NFT coin. The selected cryptocurrency affects the conditions and types of staking on the platform. The rarity of the NFT coin attributes depends on the amount of crypto locked inside the coin and mold fusion.
Choose the staking option for getting rewards with your NFT. NFT staking is one of the most stable options for getting rewards in the world of cryptocurrencies. There are two types of staking available on the CoinAvatar platform: CAV and DeFi staking.
Put NFT molds and NFT coins on the marketplace at any time. Another user can buy an NFT coin that is in staking and is already generating rewards. It is our exclusive feature on how users can receive money back during the staking period.
Last updated